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Why Choose HexaGroup As Your Inbound Marketing Agency? | HexaGroup

Written by HexaGroup | Nov 12, 2021 9:37:01 PM

Six Times We May Not Be the Right Fit

You have loads of choices for your inbound marketing agency – boutique agencies, large firms, marketing/public relations companies and specialists – and we think that understanding why someone isn't the best fit for you can be an important step in finding the ideal team for your goals.

You can't please everybody, and over our 20-plus years in the industry we've developed a methodology and focus that have helped us to serve our ideal clients and drive growth for their businesses.

As you search for the perfect inbound marketing agency for your company, here are six reasons why HexaGroup may not be right for you.

1. Your budget is too small. We're a small, agile team and we tackle projects of various sizes from targeted ad campaigns to complete website rebuilds, but if your budget is super small, we don't feel we can give you a good return on investment. A cheap website or a tiny ad spend per day won’t bring the results you're looking for, and that's a disservice to everyone.

2. You don't have aggressive revenue objectives. We work with startups and established companies that aim to grow quickly and have specific revenue goals. They know who their ideal buyer is, their target market and what sets them apart from the crowd. With that in mind, we create our marketing strategy to help you reach your targets.

3. You aren't open to new ideas. Our goal is to drive revenue growth through creative, out-of-the-box campaigns that attract and nurture leads. We love exploring new concepts through unique visuals and evocative copy, and we relish the opportunity to spark our audience's imagination with the unexpected.

4. You aren't in the B2B space. We focus on business-to-business companies, whether tech, industrial, medical or oil and gas – and we do it well. We have developed a proven process for creating websites and marketing campaigns that build on your strengths and are focused on driving brand awareness and creating leads.

5. You aren't privately or private equity owned. We often work with our companies' C-suite executives and marketing teams to collaborate, explore campaigns and dive into data. We perform best when we are with adaptable, privately-owned companies.

6. You have a large in-house marketing team. We find we are most effective with companies that have no internal marketing team or a very small in-house team. In these cases, we're able to come alongside your internal stakeholders and develop in-depth marketing strategies and tactics to help you reach your aggressive goals.

Are We the Right Fit?

Are you a privately owned, B2B company with ambitious revenue objectives? When you need an inbound marketing agency to come alongside your team, we’re the team to bring creativity and passion to deliver results.

We help companies dive into the digital marketing space, increase their brand reach and run KPI-driven marketing. Our team ensures that companies implement a suite of marketing technology that will make them successful including marketing automation, customer relationship management, analytics and measurement.

Talk to our team about your marketing goals. We’re ready to craft initiatives that bring contacts, nurture leads and convert customers into partners.