The best content in the world means nothing if no one can find it. With billions of search queries on Google every month, you want your site to stand out. We explore how your audience is searching, what phrases they use and examine their intent.

HexaGroup's proprietary tools uncover the gold mine of keyword data on Google, helping us perform extensive competitive analysis and market research for our clients. Combined with our innovative marketing methodology, we deliver thorough keyword analysis to guide your marketing campaigns and optimization of your website for search engines so you get more views, clicks and, ultimately, leads. 

Our Clustaar Keyword Research Service

Unlike other market research and keyword analysis tools on the market, Clustaar allows businesses to uncover and understand their opportunities for search engine success. Clustaar offers the most sophisticated level of analysis by incorporating a revolutionary algorithm and data visualization to provide deeper insights.

Clustaar's complex algorithm automates the segmentation and visualization of search queries and converts these trends into simple and actionable intelligence. When developing your digital marketing strategy, Clustaar answers your biggest questions and offers clear guidance on the direction you should take to optimize your ads and website content.

As the only provider of Clustaar, our proprietary market analysis platform optimizes Google big data so you can successfully:

  • Determine and visualize the size and segmentation of your market.
  • Show your position in the overall competitive landscape.
  • Discover your audience's search trends and habits.
  • Guide your digital marketing strategy.


By grouping keywords into clusters based on common meaning, Clustaar identifies and maps out different topics into a digital universe. Clustaar extracts valuable insights with powerful semantic analysis and statistical interpretation of data. Then, HexaGroup's balanced combination of search engine expertise and market research skills allows for unparalleled data analysis and strategy creation.

Why Select HexaGroup's Keyword Research Services?

For more than 20 years, we've augmented our expertise in keyword research and SEO with Clustaar's unmatched data visualization to develop targeted digital marketing strategies. Our award-winning team of marketing experts deliver extensive keyword, intent and audience analysis to explore where you stand among your competitors and pinpoint missed opportunities. 

Talk to us about harnessing the power of Clustaar's keyword research service to own your digital space, spark new leads, drive new growth, and improve your search engine marketing using tools only we can provide.